Danfoss Silicon Power和Semikron合并成立一家新的公司Semikron-Danfoss

2022-04-12 19:17:45

Danfoss Silicon PowerSemikron合并了,成立一家新的公司Semikron-Danfoss

Semikron-Danfoss公司,Danfoss占大部分股份,且还是隶属于Danfoss传动事业部(Drives Segment),财务并入到Danfoss

Danfoss Silicon PowerSemikron合并了,成立一家新的公司Semikron-Danfoss

Semikron-Danfoss公司,Danfoss占大部分股份,且还是隶属于Danfoss传动事业部(Drives Segment),财务并入到Danfoss


Dear valued customer,

Please kindly refer to the attached customer letter and the news from Danfoss website:


SEMIKRON and Danfoss Silicon Power join forces to establish the ultimate partner in power electronics

  • The two global, family-owned technology leaders in power electronics      will join forces in a new joint business called SEMIKRON-Danfoss.

  • SEMIKRON-Danfoss will invest significantly in innovation,      technology, and capacity to enable customers’ future growth plans.

  • Danfoss will hold majority ownership in the new company.

  • SEMIKRON-Danfoss will be part of the Drives Segment and will be      fully consolidated in the Danfoss financials.

  • The transaction is subject to regulatory approvals in several      countries and is expected to close no later than Q3 2022.

SEMIKRON and Danfoss Silicon Power announced a merger today to create a joint business specialized in power electronics focusing on power semiconductor modules.

With an existing workforce of more than 3,500 dedicated power electronic specialists, the new SEMIKRON-Danfoss will provide world-class technology expertise as the leading partner in power electronics. The merger comes with a firm commitment to future investments, paving the way for green growth and a more sustainable, energy-efficient, and decarbonized future. SEMIKRON-Danfoss will be a central enabler of this transition.

In the future, electrical power will be the most important energy source. The power semiconductor module is at the heart of all power electronic solutions. The module is built of power semiconductors that make it possible to convert and control the electrical power.

The SEMIKRON-Danfoss joint business will be owned by the current owner-families of SEMIKRON and the Danfoss Group, with Danfoss being the majority owner.
SEMIKRON-Danfoss will retain the two main locations in Germany, Nuremberg, and Flensburg. The current factories, sales, and development offices of SEMIKRON and Danfoss Silicon Power will continue operations as usual.

Danfoss President & CEO Kim Fausing, says:
“The new SEMIKRON-Danfoss builds on a strong long-term partnership and more than 90 years of combined technology leadership in Power Module packaging, innovation, and customer application expertise. Through this partnership we become a global leader in Power Semiconductor modules within industry, renewable energy, and Automotive Traction. This agreement is just as important as the Eaton Hydraulics acquisition, and today is a fantastic day for Danfoss.

“Electrification of the transport sector and our society is one of the cornerstones of the green transformation. With electrification driving the green transition, SEMIKRON-Danfoss aims to become the preferred decarbonizing partner for customers. We have the passion, competences, and technologies to more than double our business in five years. Combining two of the best and most competent teams in the industry, we are ready to invest in growth through innovation, technology and capacity building.”

SEMIKRON CEO Karl-Heinz Gaubatz adds:
“This really is an exciting moment. Based on close, trusting conversations over the last months, we have identified that SEMIKRON and Danfoss are a unique fit with complementing assets, a strong team, and shared values. By combining SEMIKRON’s expertise as a pioneer for semiconductor technology with more than 70 years of experience in the development of top-class power modules and systems, and the strength, innovativeness, and fast-paced operations of Danfoss Silicon Power and the Danfoss Group, we are ideally positioned to become one of the strongest players in power electronics.”

Claus A. Petersen, Senior Vice President and General Manager Danfoss Silicon Power, concludes:
“The new SEMIKRON-Danfoss is a great opportunity for customers, partners and our employees. Timing is perfect, with strong growth in our key markets – automotive, industry and renewables. With the emerging technology transition from silicon-to-silicon carbide power semiconductors, we are set to become the strongest partner of our customers. SEMIKRON-Danfoss will inspire the future and offers great career opportunities.”

Next Steps:
The transaction is subject to customary closing conditions and regulatory approvals and is expected to close no later than Q3 2022.

Until closing, SEMIKRON and Danfoss Silicon Power continue to operate as two independent companies and SEMIKRON continues as a preferred supplier to Danfoss segments just as it does today.



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